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Artemis Midwives


Gynecology services offered in the greater Jersey City, NJ area

Gynecology is a vital aspect of a woman’s health and well-being. At Artemis Midwives in Jersey City, New Jersey, Edine Warren, CM, and Chidera Chima, CNM, ND, are dedicated to providing expert gynecological care ranging from routine checkups to more specialized treatments. Call today to set up your appointment, or use this website to book a visit online.

Gynecology Q & A

What is gynecology, and why is it essential for women’s health?

Gynecology focuses on female reproductive health. At Artemis Midwives, gynecology encompasses a wide range of services, including routine exams, screenings, and treatments to ensure top reproductive health and overall well-being.

Regular gynecological care is vital for detecting and addressing potential problems early, promoting your long-term health and quality of life.

If your condition falls outside the midwives’ scope of practice, they’ll refer you to a trusted local provider who offers the treatment you need.

Which gynecology services do you offer?

At Artemis Midwives, the experienced team provides comprehensive gynecological services, including:

  • Routine well-woman exams and screenings
  • Contraceptive counseling and birth control methods
  • Management of menstrual irregularities and reproductive health concerns
  • Evaluation and treatment of pelvic pain and discomfort
  • STI testing and prevention education
  • Preconception and fertility consultations
  • Menopause management and hormone therapy guidance

Women of all ages benefit from their gynecological care.

How often should I schedule a gynecological checkup?

The frequency of gynecological checkups depends on your age, health status, and specific concerns. In general, Edine and Chidera recommend you have a well-woman exam at least once a year. Regular visits ensure that any changes or potential problems are promptly addressed, allowing timely intervention and management.

What is a well-woman exam, and what does it entail?

A well-woman exam is a routine visit during which the providers assess your overall reproductive health. It typically includes a:


  • Physical exam
  • Breast exam
  • Pelvic exam
  • Pap smear


You’ll also talk to your midwife about your menstrual cycle, sexual health, and any concerns you might have. This comprehensive evaluation helps identify any potential problems and allows for appropriate recommendations or treatments.

Why should I go to a midwifery practice for gynecology?

At Artemis Midwives, the team combines expertise with personalized care. Edine and Chidera believe in building strong patient-provider relationships, ensuring that you feel comfortable discussing your health concerns openly. They prioritize patient education, empowering you to make informed decisions about your gynecological health and overall well-being.

Schedule your appointment at Artemix Midwives today. You can call the office or request online through the booking platform.